About Hannah’s House
Hannah’s House is a nonprofit, community-supported mental health resource center with offices in Waitsfield and Waterbury, Vermont. Hannah’s House promotes mental health services for children, teens, adults and families by providing local access to high quality counseling, community outreach through education, and financial assistance for psychotherapy. Hannah’s House is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization funded entirely by donations and grants from the community, businesses, organizations and foundations. To see how donations were used last year, click here to view the 2022 Impact report
Call Hannah’s House at 802-496-9715. Visit Facebook for Updates
Current Offerings:
Free Gun Locks
“Keep your Guns Safe, Keep your people safe” is one of several messages Vermont leaders have shared recently to increase safety surrounding guns. Free gun locks have been made available to the public at many locations around the state. Hannah’s House in Waitsfield & Waterbury, Vermont now has gun locks available to anyone. Please contact Hannah’s House at 802-496-9715 or info@hannahshousevt.org to pick up a free gun lock. This website lists gun lock distribution sites throughout the state: https://www.justice.gov/usao-vt/gunsafe-vt
Previous Offerings:
Mental Health Crisis Assistance 24/7
Washington County Mental Health 24-hr Crisis Line: 802-229-0591 National Suicide Prevention: 988 VT Crisis Text Line: Text VT to 741741
Other help and services
- MRV Food Shelf: (802) 496-8853 madrivervalleyfoodshelf.wordpress.com/
- MRV Community Fund: (802) 461-6241 mrvcommunityfund.org/
- General Info Assistance and Information: 211
- Department of Mental Health: mentalhealth.vermont.gov